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Do worms have eyes? And other worm facts
They're unassuming, but worms make the world go round. Find out if they have eyes, mouths and brains. Plus discover what they eat and how they move with our fascinating worm facts.
Rachel Hoskins • 25 Apr 2019
What are the effects of global warming in the UK? And how can we make a difference?
Global warming is affecting the UK. Find out the changes we are already seeing, the changes to come, and how we can fight back.
Nick Atkinson • 24 Apr 2019
What is lichen? Seven types of lichen found on trees
Lichen can be very visible on branches and bark at this time of year. They can be really difficult to identify, but here are seven common lichens that grow on trees.
Kylie Harrison Mellor • 24 Apr 2019
How to make a fairy door and more magical ideas
Learn how to make a fairy door with your kids, plus more enchanting forest ideas such as magic wands, woodland potions and fairy tea parties.
Danielle Wesley • 22 Apr 2019
Dawn Chorus: why do birds sing in the morning?
Learn why birds sing in the morning and other facts about the dawn chorus.
James Martin • 19 Apr 2019
When do frogs spawn? And how to spot them
Find out when frogs spawn and the best time to spot these fascinating jellified clumps in ponds near you.
Karen Hornigold • 18 Apr 2019
9 of the UKs rarest animals
Much of our beloved wildlife is in decline. Find out about nine of the rarest species in the UK right now, and what we are doing to help save these precious creatures.
Hannah Vickers • 15 Apr 2019
Feather identification: common feathers in the UK
Collecting nature finds is a lovely way to feel closer to the wildlife on your doorstep. Some of the most abundant of these treasures are feathers, and you can find them almost anywhere. But which bird left them behind?
Charlotte Varela • 15 Apr 2019
Wildflower quiz: name these 10 common wildflowers
Can you name these ten common British wildflowers? Test your wildflower knowledge with our quiz.
Helen Keating • 11 Apr 2019
11 rare birds in Britain's woodland
Find out all about 11 rare birds in British woodland, and why they are so elusive.
Charlotte Varela • 10 Apr 2019