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Life cycle of a frog: how do amphibians reproduce?
This time of year is perfect for spotting amphibians on their way to mate. Find out how they attract mates, reproduce and develop.
Rachel Hoskins • 09 Apr 2019
Hawthorn and blackthorn: what’s the difference?
Hawthorn and blackthorn are two of the most easily confused species, so here’s a closer look at their differences to help you tell them apart.
Charlie Mellor • 09 Apr 2019
What do birds eat in the wild?
From garden birds to waterfowl and summer migrants, find out what birds eat in the wild and how their diet can change with the seasons.
Hannah Vickers • 08 Apr 2019
What is pollination?
Learn about pollination and why it is so important for the natural world.
Danielle Wesley • 08 Apr 2019
Rainy day activities for kids: mud kitchens and pies
Don’t get stuck indoors when the weather’s wet. Try our rainy outdoor activities including mud kitchens, mud pies, leaf boats and puddle jumping.
Danielle Wesley • 01 Apr 2019
How to grow native bluebells in your garden
Why not try growing bluebells in your garden? Here are six good reasons why, along with our top bluebell growing tips.
Kate Lewthwaite • 28 Mar 2019
10 common garden birds to spot on your bird feeder
Find out all about the common British garden birds, what to feed them and how to identify them.
Hannah Vickers • 21 Mar 2019
Wildflowers for bees: how to attract bees to your garden
Wild bees and other pollinators are in decline. But there are things you can do in your garden to help reverse this trend including increasing food and habitat. Includes our top nine bee-friendly wildflowers to plant in your garden.
Helen Keating • 18 Mar 2019
What do frogs eat? And more frog facts
Frogs are carnivorous amphibians; UK species feed on a range of insects. Find out more about what they eat and learn how to build a frog pond.
Rachel Hoskins • 18 Mar 2019
Deforestation and climate change: what's the link?
Climate change is a global concern that challenges all of us. But what do deforestation and climate change mean? What's their relationship? And how can you help?
Nick Atkinson • 04 Mar 2019