British native trees
Native UK trees colonised the land when the glaciers melted after the last Ice Age and before the UK was disconnected from mainland Europe.
As the Earth warmed and ice began to melt and retreat, over 10,000 years ago, species began to recolonise the once frozen land from the warmer south.
Trees woods and wildlife
Swamp-dweller, water-lover. The wood of this tough tree doesn’t rot when waterlogged, instead turning stronger and harder.
Trees woods and wildlife
Alder buckthorn
A reputation for causing a bang. Alder buckthorn is used to make gunpowder, pigments and dyes. It’s a beloved plant of the brimstone butterfly.
Trees woods and wildlife
One of our most beloved trees. Ash is one of the most common trees in the UK, but as ash dieback sweeps through, is it set to be erased from our countryside?
Trees woods and wildlife
Trembling, fluttering and shimmering in the slightest breeze. The rippling leaves of this beautiful tree give it its name: quaking aspen.
Trees woods and wildlife
Beech, common
Monumental, majestic, home to rare wildlife. Beech is an enchanting species and known as the queen of British trees. To wander beneath the leafy canopy, its cathedral-like branches spreading upwards, is an awe-inspiring experience.
Trees woods and wildlife
Birch, downy
Soft on the outside. Tough on the inside. On a global scale, this tree, with its fuzzy leaf stalks, shoots and twigs, grows further north than any other broadleaf species.
Trees woods and wildlife
Birch, silver
Pretty, pale, a symbol of purity. This common tree, with its silver-white bark, is favoured by gardeners who want to renew and purify their land for coming year.
Trees woods and wildlife
Early to blossom, blackthorn trees have clouds of snow-white flowers in early spring. They’re best known for their rich, inky, dark fruits used to make a favourite wintry tipple – sloe gin.
Trees woods and wildlife
Box, common
A native evergreen that’s at home in your garden. Box is so special it’s got a hill named after it. Box Hill in Surrey takes its name from the ancient box woodland on its steep chalk slopes.
Trees woods and wildlife
Buckthorn, purging
Prickly and with the ability to purge. This plant’s common name harks back its use as a laxative. It’s a fierce, invasive species in North America.
Trees woods and wildlife
Cherry, bird
A stunning, scented show-stopper of a tree. In spring, nectar-loving animals flock to this beautiful tree for its almond-scented blossom.
Trees woods and wildlife
Cherry, wild
Beautiful blossom and a bounty of bright red fruits. Wild cherry , one of the prettiest native trees, is relished by gardeners and wildlife.
Trees woods and wildlife
Crab apple
A symbol of fertility and a forager's delight. Crab apple trees are associated with love and marriage and its small, hard fruits make an exquisite, jewel-coloured jelly.
Trees woods and wildlife
Understated until the colder months when it bursts into colour, dogwood is a broadleaf shrub which thrives in damp woodland edges. The timber is so hard, it was used for crucifixes.
Trees woods and wildlife
Feared by the devil. Favoured by foragers. Find out all you need to know about why elder is the very essence of summer.
Trees woods and wildlife
Elm, English
Once growing to lofty heights, the elegant English elm used to dominate the landscape. Now this ancient symbol of melancholy and death is a rare sight, having been decimated by Dutch elm disease.
Trees woods and wildlife
Elm, field
A phoenix from the ashes, the field elm has been able to recover from the decimation of Dutch elm disease thanks to its ability to grow easily. However, it’s still under threat, along with the wildlife that relies on it.
Trees woods and wildlife
Elm, Huntingdon
A hardy cultivar, the Huntingdon elm is a hybrid with some resistance to the devastating Dutch elm disease.
Trees woods and wildlife
Elm, wych
Decimated by Dutch elm disease, the sweeping and majestic wych elm is a much rarer sight these days. Its loss goes hand-in-hand with the decline of the elusive white-letter hairstreak butterfly, whose caterpillars rely on elm leaves.
Trees woods and wildlife
Guelder rose
Flamboyant, romantic, wildlife beacon. The guelder rose brightens woods with spring blossom, autumn colour and vibrant berries.
Trees woods and wildlife
Named after the month in which it blooms and a sign that spring is turning to summer. The pale green leaves of this hedgerow staple are often the first to appear in spring, with an explosion of pretty pale-pink blossom in May. It simply teems with wildlife from bugs to birds.
Trees woods and wildlife
Hawthorn, Midland
Dense and pungent, but with fruits that are enjoyed by birds and humans alike, the Midland hawthorn is a supremely useful tree whose natural range is not fully understood.
Trees woods and wildlife
Catkins resembling lambs tails, and late-summer nuts. Hazel is one of the most useful trees for its bendy stems and as a conservation saviour. And its nuts are loved by people, squirrels and hazel dormice.
Trees woods and wildlife
Festive, neat and prickly. Holly is a well-loved shrub that shelters birds and gives hedgehogs a cosy place to hibernate.
Trees woods and wildlife
Gnarled and mighty, the hornbeam is as tough as they come. It’s beautiful, useful, and its year-round leaf cover makes it a winter haven for wildlife.
Trees woods and wildlife
A cosy home for wildlife and a gin-drinker’s delight, the juniper is a much-loved evergreen that brightens up the winter months.
Trees woods and wildlife
Lime, common
At home on a country estate or deep in the wild, this lime is common in name only. It’s a hybrid between the small-leaved and large-leaved lime, and is a particular favourite of aphids and their many predators.
Trees woods and wildlife
Lime, large-leaved
Towering, romantic, sticky. Large-leaved lime is a handsome broadleaf tree that is a rich home for wildlife. Find out more.
Trees woods and wildlife
Lime, small-leaved
Charming, sturdy, pollinator-magnet. Not only does the small-leaved lime’s blossom produce a sweet scent and pleasantly minty honey, its leaves support the caterpillars of moths such as the lime hawk, peppered and vapourer.
Trees woods and wildlife
Maple, field
Pollution fighter, autumn stunner, syrup maker. The field maple is a sturdy broadleaf, which supports caterpillars, aphids, and all their predators, all while resisting air pollution.
Trees woods and wildlife
Oak, English
The ruling majesty of the woods, the wise old English oak holds a special place in our culture, history, and hearts. It supports more life than any other native tree species in the UK; even its fallen leaves support biodiversity.
Trees woods and wildlife
Oak, sessile
Less famous than English oak, but no less loved, the sessile oak towers in the woods. Squirrels, jays and badgers love their acorns and caterpillars flock to eat their leaves, in fact 326 species of wildlife are found only on oak.
Trees woods and wildlife
Pear, Plymouth
Rare, charming, foul-smelling. Plymouth pear was named after where it was found in the 1800s. Its fruit feeds wildlife, and its blossom, though beautiful, has quite a smell.
Trees woods and wildlife
Pine, Scots
Towering in the glen, the Scots pine is a truly stunning tree. It is one of only three native conifers, and our only native pine. It’s the perfect home for iconic Scottish wildlife, such as the red squirrel, capercaillie, Scottish crossbill and the Scottish wildcat.
Trees woods and wildlife
Poplar, black
Imposing, elegant, rare. The black poplar was once a staple of Britain’s landscape but these days, the trees are few and far between.
Trees woods and wildlife
Bane of witches, diviner of the future and producer of jam, rowan is an elegant tree with a mystical history. Its leaves and berries are a favourite for wildlife in woods and towns alike.
Trees woods and wildlife
Industrious, delicate, colourful. The spindle is at its loveliest in autumn when its leaves turn russet and its pink and orange fruits ripen. Wildlife loves its leaves and fruit, and aphids flock to it, bringing with them an array of their predators.
Trees woods and wildlife
Charming and domestic, the whitebeam’s fruit is a favourite of garden birds. It’s rarely found in the wild but is a popular ornamental tree in parks and gardens, with lovely blossom and russet autumn leaves.
Trees woods and wildlife
Whitebeam, Arran
Rare, rugged, isolated. Arran whitebeam is one of the rarest and most endangered trees in the world. It is a hybrid of rowan and rock whitebeam which has stayed on the Isle of Arran since the last glaciers were formed.
Trees woods and wildlife
Whitebeam, rock
Rugged yet charming, rock whitebeam clings to areas of rocky woodland and fissures in limestone cliffs. A parent species of the rarer Arran whitebeam, the rock whitebeam is becoming increasingly hard to find.
Trees woods and wildlife
Wild service tree
A true springtime stunner, it’s not so long ago that you could find wild-service fruit at a market. These days it’s rare and hard to find but it’s still a favourite with wildlife like the wood pigeon, whose gut softens its seeds for propagation.
Trees woods and wildlife
Willow, bay
Small but pretty, the bay willow is named after its smell and misleading appearance. It’s a lover of damp conditions, and feeder of pollinators and caterpillars.
Trees woods and wildlife
Willow, goat
Also known as the pussy willow, the male catkins of the goat willow look like a cat’s paws. It supports lots of wildlife, including the elusive and regal purple emperor butterfly.
Trees woods and wildlife
Willow, grey
A soft, silvery lover of damp woodland, the grey willow is a bit scruffy but full of charm. Caterpillars flock to feed on its leaves and its fuzzy catkins are an early pollen source for pollinators.
Trees woods and wildlife
Ancient, morbid, toxic. The yew is one of the longest-lived native species in Europe. This has made it a symbol of death and doom, but it provides food and shelter for woodland animals.