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Featured publications
Wood Wise – fabulous fungi
The autumn 2015 issue of Wood Wise explores the fascinating world of fungi, their essential role in woodland and their complex relationship with trees.
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Case study
Fruit trees - improving land and increasing yield on a mixed farm
A case study demonstrating the productivity benefits of fruit trees on a mixed organic farm. Planting in rows provides shelter for crops and prevents soil erosion.
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Research report
Sustainable UK Seed Source Project
A report identifying the steps needed to secure UK grown tree seed for timber production and conservation in the face of climate change, pests and diseases.
PDF (1.78 MB)
Case study
Bringing neglected woodland into sustainable management
The custodians of an ancient wood discuss their efforts to restore valuable natural habitat and convert neglected woodland into a thriving habitat for wildlife.
PDF (737 KB)
Case study
Building a successful and sustainable woodfuel partnership
Harvesting timber for woodfuel can offer renewable energy and a boost to rural business while removing non-native conifers from ancient woodland sites.
PDF (756 KB)
Position statement
Fracking – the Woodland Trust's position
The Woodland Trust will oppose applications for fracking activity that would impact ancient woodland and will not allow exploration on our land.
PDF (395 KB)
Case study
Improving site access for sustainable woodland management
A case study from Fingle Woods demonstrating the benefits of improving site access for harvesting and extracting timber in a sustainable and cost-effective way.
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Wood Wise – ancient woodland restoration
The summer 2015 issue of Wood Wise looks at the range of projects striving to bring light and life back to damaged native woods through careful restoration.
PDF (1.99 MB)
Case study
Trees enhance flock health and field drainage
A case study demonstrating how trees can improve shelter for sheep, land drainage and grass growing conditions in fields otherwise unsuitable for stock.
PDF (493 KB)
Case study
Keeping their cool - improving water quality with trees
A case study from Wessex demonstrating how the planting of trees can reduce pollution, slow surface run-off and provide shade to cool rivers and streams.
PDF (663 KB)