Trees woods and wildlife
Wet woodland
Wild, transient, boggy and rare. Wet woodlands are now some of our least common wooded habitats. Learn about these special places and why they are so important to wildlife.
With secretive habits and intriguing lifecycles, fish like salmon, trout and lamprey rely on woodland streams and rivers. These shady and fast-flowing watery habitats are vital to their survival.
Trees woods and wildlife
Reclusive, primitive and eel-like. The brook lamprey is an ancient and rarely seen fish found in the rivers and streams of several of our woods. It lives most of its life as a larva buried in the silty stream bed before turning into an adult and swimming upstream to spawn - its last act before it dies.
Trees woods and wildlife
A fish with a harsh life and epic journey. They’ve long been a favoured seafood, but over-fishing and pollution have seriously impacted populations.
Trees woods and wildlife
A powerful predator and an iconic British fish, the brown trout is a common sight in streams and rivers throughout the UK.
Trees woods and wildlife
Wild, transient, boggy and rare. Wet woodlands are now some of our least common wooded habitats. Learn about these special places and why they are so important to wildlife.
Trees woods and wildlife
Explore more about these cold-blooded creatures that live along woodland edges, glades, ditches and ponds.
Trees woods and wildlife
Trees and woods provide a stable habitat and food supply for many mammals. What will you spot?