Our Green Tree Schools Award encourages outdoor learning and inspires pupils about trees, woods and wildlife.

Through our award, your school can take part in fun, practical projects while helping the environment and improving your grounds. It’s completely free and we provide resources and support to help you get the most out of it.

Your pupils can also earn certificates in recognition of their achievements and a special plaque to display in your school.

Your school's account

Visit the Green Tree Schools Award website to register for the award, check your school's points or download certificates for your pupils.

Log in or register

Caron Henderson, woodland learning officer: I've been working in this area for two years, which has enabled the Woodland Trust to really get schools in the area engaged with our Green Tree Schools Award. Which has really embedded outdoor learning as part of their overall ethos. 

One of the things about the Green Tree Schools Award that I'm really passionate about is getting children out of the classroom into their outdoor environment. 

Ailsa Metcalfe, deputy headteacher: I think, for us, it's given us a focus and structure and the children have been really excited in working towards the different levels and we've noticed quite a difference actually in mental health and wellbeing in some of our children from being able to be outside and it's helped to calm them so that then they're more ready to learn and to achieve once they go back into the classroom. 

Mel Francis, woodland learning officer: The award makes outdoor learning accessible to any school, whether it's in the countryside or if it's in an inner-city, whatever size the land they have or don't have, the activities just alloschools to really engage children with nature and with trees and really explore their environment. 

Danielle Cacia, teacher: When I first came to the school we were on the bronze Green Tree Award. Now we're on the gold award. One of the things that we did was to plant trees at a local farm because one of the awards is to plant trees in your area to create more of a green space but unfortunately, in an urban school wdon't have the facility to plant around the school so we thought it would be nice to contact a local facility where the children actually go for activities and residentials throughout the year. 

Pupil: We're taking photos of the trees on this app called Snapseed. Its a thing where you can edit your pictures. We've written down the diameter and the height of the trees and then using that will create our powerful presentation so people can understand the length of that tree.  

Danielle Cacia: I'd say that the children have benefited from the award by a lot of children with speech and language difficulties being able to go out and achieve things that maybe they would struggle with usually. Thinking about one child in particular in class, they struggled a lot with usual English anmaths but when we went out to do the planting of the trees they were measuring the holes in which their trees had to be planted so he was actually working on his mathematical knowledge but in a more practical sense.  

Ailsa Metcalfe: I'd say it's a really, really fantastic award to do. It's not as difficult as people think - I'm sure that a lot of the schools are already doing those sorts of activities with the children anyway. 

Caron Henderson: So, this is the 10th year of the Woodland Trust Green Tree Schools Award and we've got over now 10,000 schools actively engaged working with the award and we want to see even more schools being actively involved because it is a fantastic resource. It's free, there's no time limits and there's lots of downloadable resources from the website. These children need to be connected to nature and to woods and trees. They are future conservationists and if we can get them engaged while they're at school at an early age, then hopefully that passion that we can instil in them will continue to adulthood. 



How the award works

Schools are rewarded for doing environmental projects such as tree planting, reducing CO2 emissions and visiting woods. You collect points for each activity you complete, progressing through bronze, silver and gold levels up to the prestigious platinum award.

You can use our award to support lessons in class. The projects are ideal for gardening and eco clubs too, as well as Forest School. It can also contribute to other award schemes such as Eco-Schools.

Points and rewards

Earn points towards your award by completing activities. You can keep track of these on your dashboard on the Green Tree Schools Award website.

You can download certificates for your pupils when you reach each level. You'll also receive a Green Tree Schools Award logo to use on your website or letterhead. When you achieve gold, your school will receive a wooden plaque to display in your school. This is upgraded when you complete the final platinum level.

  • Bronze = 5 points
  • Silver = 10 points
  • Gold = 15 points (you can download your certificate after completing a short insight form)
  • Platinum = 30 points including completion of two platinum projects (these special platinum challenges are unlocked once your school achieves the gold level)

I would definitely recommend the Green Tree Schools Award to other schools. It's a fantastic way of getting the children to learn about the environment, how it impacts wildlife and what we can do to help.

Primary school teacher

Time-limited activity! 

Complete this new challenge by 31 March 2025. 

One-point activities

Two-point activities

Three-point activities

Five-point activities

Your school's account

Visit the Green Tree Schools Award website to register for the award, check your school's points or download certificates for your pupils.

Log in or register
Need help?

If you're having trouble logging in, need to change your school's details, or need a bit of help with the award challenges, please get in touch with our friendly learning team.

Email us: learning@woodlandtrust.org.uk