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Green Tree Schools Award
Join 14,000 schools taking part in our award scheme and complete environmental projects to earn certificates for your pupils.
Tell us about your journey on the Green Tree Schools Award and inspire others to get involved.
We're celebrating all the fantastic work done by youngsters on the Green Tree Schools Award and we'd love to hear from you!
For this challenge, please share your experience of the Award and the impact it's had on your school. Your testimony could inspire a school to embark on their own journey on the Award and will help us improve our educational activities.
You can take part at any point in your Award journey – whether you've just completed your first challenge or you're about to achieve the platinum level.
There are three parts to this challenge. Complete them all to earn three points on the Green Tree Schools Award.
Tell us about your experience on the Green Tree Schools Award in your own words.
Since starting the Green Tree Schools Award, our boys have made massive progress in learning, patience, tolerance, socialisation, taking risk and showing creativity. Most of all, they've really enjoyed their time together outdoors. This has truly been a life-changing experience for them.
Send us a photo that represents your best work on the Award. This could be a successful tree-planting event, an exciting woodland visit or a fun outdoor lesson. Please include the name of the photographer and ensure you get the necessary permissions before sharing it with us.
If you'd prefer not to send photos of children, you can submit images of students' work, classroom displays and outdoor learning areas that demonstrate your participation in the Award.
We'd love to understand more about the impact of the Green Tree Schools Award on your pupils and staff and how it's made a difference.
Please answer the following questions:
We like to use comments and photos from schools to inspire other teachers and young people about outdoor learning. With your permission, they could appear on our award materials, website, press releases and social media.
You can find out more about how we use and look after your personal information in our privacy policy.
Three points will be awarded for completing all three parts of this challenge – providing quotes, photos and answering questions.
Email your submissions to learning@woodlandtrust.org.uk with the subject line 'Our award story'.
We’ll add your points to your account after we’ve received your evidence (usually within two weeks).
If you're happy for us to share your quotes and photos as outlined above, please include the following permission statements in your email:
If you'd rather we didn't share them, please include the following statement in your email:
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Join 14,000 schools taking part in our award scheme and complete environmental projects to earn certificates for your pupils.
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Share your enthusiasm for trees and spread the word that woods are good!
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Encourage students to start an environmental campaign to inspire positive change for trees and woods.
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Discover the incredible ways trees benefit people and the planet.
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Use the power of nature to boost the health of your students.