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Trees woods and wildlife
Acute oak decline
Our native oaks are under pressure like never before. They are declining at an unprecedented rate due to drought, flooding, pollution, pests and diseases.
About us
Achievements and outcomes
We've had a number of high profile achievements within central government. We've also seen notable successes working with local authorities to improve regional policies, delivery and development plans.
The Parks Trust Wood
Howe Park Wood
30.16 ha (74.53 acres)
About us
Our evaluation process
We assess research proposals against a number of eligibility criteria before shortlisting. Grant applications are then scored on how well they meet scientific review criteria. Here we outline the process.
Position statement
Bovine TB in cattle and badgers - the Woodland Trust's position
The Woodland Trust does not support the culling of badgers as a means of eradicating or controlling bovine TB and will refuse access to its sites for this purpose.
PDF (477 KB)
Winter visitors to the UK: birds you'll only spot this season
Think of migration and you might picture birds heading south for the winter. But did you know the UK also attracts several species during our colder months?
Amy Lewis • 19 Jan 2022
Woodland Trust Wood
Bilton Beck & Rudding Bottoms
17.11 ha (42.28 acres)
Trees woods and wildlife
These plump-looking birds spend much of their time curled up on the forest floor. Their clever camouflage allows them to blend in with their woodland surroundings.
The National Forest Wood
Swadlincote Woods
14.08 ha (34.79 acres)
Trees woods and wildlife
Soprano pipistrelle bat
The soprano pipistrelle bat is a widespread species that hunts close to water and can be found in woods and gardens.