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Practical guidance
Natural flood management guidance for woody dams
Practical guidance on the use of woody debris to improve river health, hold back flood water, store sediments and create habitat for spawning fish and other wildlife.
PDF (1.03 MB)
Policy paper
Local authority tree strategies - suggested policy
The Woodland Trust calls all local authorities to produce Trees and Woodland Strategy as part of their Local Plan. Here we present a suggested policy to meet statutory biodiversity obligations, by giving best practice guidance and examples.
PDF (508 KB)
Wood Wise – marvellous mammals
The summer 2016 issue of Wood Wise spotlights the many mammals that call UK woodlands home, and the projects to bring them back to old haunts.
PDF (1.56 MB)
Position statement
Genetically Modified Organisms – the Trust’s position
The Woodland Trust is opposed to unenclosed GM crop or tree release and does not permit the involvement of any of its sites in field trials.
PDF (387 KB)
Wood Wise – secrets of the soil
The spring 2016 issue of Wood Wise delves into woodland soil, its function, its species, the threats to its health, and ways to manage it for the future.
PDF (1.39 MB)
Case study
Tree disease and plantation on ancient woodland sites
A case study on how ancient woodland restoration can proceed following the clear felling necessary to eliminate Phytophthora ramorum, a tree disease of larch.
PDF (512 KB)
Practical guidance
Keeping rivers cool: shade for climate change adaptation
Practical guidance on using trees to shade rivers, helping freshwater habitats and species such as trout and salmon withstand the effects of climate change.
PDF (4.41 MB)
Position statement
Moving plants and animals for conservation
The Woodland Trust follows and endorses the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) guidelines on conservation translocations.
PDF (386 KB)
Position statement
Trees and flood risk – the Woodland Trust’s position
The Woodland Trust promotes the integration of trees and woodland alongside other natural and traditional flood management measures to help reduce flood risk.
PDF (1.29 MB)
Case study
Woodland restoration and the fight against tree disease
A case study examining the additional challenges the presence of tree disease can pose when restoring ancient woodland, and the measures required to tackle it.
PDF (650 KB)