Protecting trees and woods
Restoring ancient woodland
Find out how our restoration work is encouraging ancient woodland to recover and reverse years of decline.
Publication date:
August 2015
Publication type:
This issue of Wood Wise looks at several woodland restoration projects.
In the last century, around half of our ancient woods were planted with introduced species such as non-native conifers. These are now gradually being removed to allow light back into the woodland.
We learn how this supports wildlife and enables native species to re-establish. And we discover how it can increase landscape resilience and generate revenue.
If you would like to subscribe to future Wood Wise issues, please email woodwise@woodlandtrust.org.uk.
Download PDF (1.99 MB)Protecting trees and woods
Find out how our restoration work is encouraging ancient woodland to recover and reverse years of decline.
Support us
Awaken the sleeping beauty of damaged ancient woods, before they’re lost forever. With your support, we can coax ancient secrets from the soil and let the light back in to overshadowed glades.
Research report
PDF (1.76 MB)
Practical guidance
PDF (3.21 MB)
Practical guidance
PDF (3.24 MB)
Practical guidance
PDF (4.70 MB)
Practical guidance
PDF (4.76 MB)
Practical guidance
PDF (8.97 MB)
Case study
PDF (650 KB)
Case study
PDF (1.51 MB)
Case study
PDF (5.11 MB)
Case study
PDF (732 KB)
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