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Long before dinosaurs walked the earth, there were dragonflies in the sky. They were some of the first winged insects to evolve, around 300 million years ago. Back then oxygen levels were much higher, allowing giant dragonflies to evolve, with wingspans like eagles.
Dragonflies and damselflies are part of the Odonata order, meaning 'toothed ones'. They are fearsome predators of flying insects like gnats, mosquitos and other small bugs.
Don’t worry - they don’t bite us. They’re completely harmless, and actually helpful for humans, as they hunt the pesky insects that bother us.
There are 57 species of Odonata in the UK: 36 dragonflies (Anisoptera) and 21 damselflies (Zygoptera).
Dragonflies spend most of their lives as nymphs. Unlike typical larvae that moult only once, like butterflies, nymphs go through a more gradual change (metamorphosis) into adults.
The nymphs look like mini adults without wings. You’re unlikely to spot them as they live underwater.
All dragonfly nymphs have six legs and wing-sheaths. They also have a hinged jaw that can shoot out in an instant to catch prey. Nymphs aren’t brightly coloured like adult dragonflies. Many are green or brown, so they are camouflaged from predators.
They emerge from their eggs tiny and tadpole-like. They spend their larval period eating as much as they can, growing and moulting. They shed their skins 5-14 times before they are ready to leave the water.
With a top speed of 30mph, dragonflies are one of the fastest insects in the UK.
Few species can match the dragonfly’s spectacular flying ability. Their four long wings can beat together or separately. This allows them to hover in mid-air, fly in any direction and speed up quickly. Think of them as an ‘attack helicopter’ for small flying insects, moving in on their prey from any direction. Their large eyes give them fantastic vision, helping them hawk their prey.
Dragonflies and damselflies look similar but can be told apart by their size and shape. Dragonflies are large and robust, whereas damselflies are longer and thinner. Take a look at the wing position when they are at rest too – dragonflies hold their wings out from their body, but damselflies tend to fold theirs in alongside their body.
The dragonfly life cycle has three stages:
You might see a dragonfly dipping half their body into water. This is a female dragonfly laying her eggs. Eggs take about to week to hatch into nymphs.
Once nymphs are fully grown, they crawl out of the water and shed one final time. They emerge as young dragonflies, then wait an hour or so until their wings harden and they can fly. Until their wings harden they are extremely vulnerable to predators.
They spend about a week feeding away from the water, becoming more colourful as they reach adulthood.
When mature, they move back to the water to breed. You can easily spot a mating pair by the heart-shaped ‘wheel formation’ of mating pairs. After breeding, the female heads to water to lay her eggs. Sometimes the male follows, protecting her until the eggs have been laid.
Emperor dragonflies have the largest wingspan of any British dragonfly at about 10.5cm.
Reaching 8.6cm, the golden-ringed dragonfly has the longest body of the British dragonflies.
Primordial landscapes, tangled branches, breathtaking wildlife and miles of woodland trails. From the countryside to cities, we care for thousands of woods throughout the UK, all free to visit.
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