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10 ways to help wildlife in summer
We can all make a difference for wildlife this season, from a single simple action to an ongoing commitment, at home or further afield. Read our ten top tips.
Charlie Mellor • 12 Jun 2023
What is the difference between a bug and a beetle?
The words 'bug' and 'beetle' are often used interchangeably, but there’s actually a big difference between bugs and beetles. Learn how to tell them apart.
Charlotte Varela • 06 Jun 2023
Minibeast hunt – top tips for finding bugs
Go on a minibeast hunt with your kids and see how many creepy crawlies you can find. Plus get tips on what to pack in your bug hunting kit.
Danielle Wesley • 26 May 2023
Best native hedge plants: choose the right hedges
Autumn and winter are the best times to plant a hedge. To get you started, here are our top 10 recommendations for the best native hedge plants and the amazing benefits they'll bring.
Helen Keating • 23 May 2023
10 best trees to attract birds and other wildlife
Native trees offer birds and other animals vital food and shelter all year round. Boost biodiversity with our top 10 trees suited to small gardens and larger spaces.
Charlie Mellor • 02 May 2023
How to make felt animals: easy step-by-step guide
Follow our simple guide to make your own stuffed woodland animals. This fun craft is ideal for kids and grown-ups alike!
Becca Smith • 28 Apr 2023
Foraging in April: edible wild plants to harvest
April is the time to look out for fresh new greens and herbs to give your food a seasonal springtime boost. Here are seven easy-to-identify edible herbs and plants to look out for.
Helen Keating • 27 Apr 2023
Why are bees important? And how you can help them
Bees are important for wildlife, for woods and trees, and even for our own lives. Find out why, discover why bees are in trouble and learn how you can help them.
Charlotte Varela • 26 Apr 2023
Woodland Walks podcast with Adam Shaw and Tristan Gooley
In our latest episode, natural navigator Tristan Gooley teaches us how clues and signs in nature can tell us about the land, water and animals around us.
Adam Shaw • 21 Apr 2023
How to increase biodiversity in your garden
Every garden has the potential to be a haven for wildlife. From planting for pollinators to embracing a little mess, here are some easy ways to increase biodiversity in your garden.
Charlotte Varela • 07 Apr 2023