Credit: FLPA / Alamy Stock Photo
Where do song thrushes live?
Song thrushes live in woodland, farmland, scrub, parks and gardens across the UK. They favour anywhere with a good supply of trees and bushes to nest in.
Famous for smashing open snails and for the sweet song which gives this bird its name. The song thrush was once a common sight in UK woodland, but is sadly in decline.
Common name: song thrush
Scientific name: Turdus philomelos
Family: Turdidae (thrushes)
Habitat: woodland, farmland, scrub, parks, gardens
Diet: snails, worms, caterpillars, fruit
Predators: sparrowhawks, domestic cats
Origin: native
The song thrush has a warm-brown head, wings and back, and a cream breast covered in dark brown spots the shape of upside down hearts. It is around 23cm in length, slightly smaller than a blackbird.
Not to be confused with: the mistle thrush. This close relative is larger and more grey, with heavier, darker chest spots that are also more prominent towards the belly. The song thrush is also often confused with the redwing; however, it lacks the redwing’s white eye stripe and red-orange underwings.
Song thrushes are one of the few birds to eat snails.
The song thrush eats worms, snails, caterpillars and fruit. Snails are a particular favourite. Song thrushes are renowned for the practice of smashing the snail shells against rocks with a flick of the head, allowing them to get to the soft parts inside.
Song thrushes begin singing in early spring, sometimes as early as January. Many literary figures have written about the bird’s song, including Browning, Wordsworth, and Hardy. Listen for short phrases repeated two or three times in quick succession, particularly in early mornings, and being belted from the very tops of trees.
The breeding season for this species takes place from March to April. Song thrushes build their cup-shaped nests low down in trees, shrubs or ivy, although sheds and outbuildings are sometimes used. The nests are made of dry plant stems with a smooth mud interior held together by saliva.
A clutch of around four to six glossy blue eggs is laid, hatching around two weeks later. The parents will feed the chicks for the next fortnight, after which they can leave the nest but will still rely on the parents to feed them until they reach maturity.
Credit: FLPA / Alamy Stock Photo
Song thrushes live in woodland, farmland, scrub, parks and gardens across the UK. They favour anywhere with a good supply of trees and bushes to nest in.
Credit: Dave Watts / Alamy Stock Photo
As song thrushes are resident breeders and present all year round, there’s a good chance you might spot them when in the woods or even in your garden. Listen out for this bird’s striking song, which repeats short phrases two or three times in a row, and look out for smashed snail shells – a sure sign a song thrush has been nearby.
Audio: Bram Piot / xeno-canto.org
Record the comings and goings of key feathered friends and help scientists track the effects of climate change on wildlife.
Take part in our Nature's Calendar surveySong thrushes were once known as ‘throstles’.
While the song thrush was once one of our most common birds, it is now unfortunately an amber-listed species of conservation concern. The species has declined significantly since 1970, particularly in farmland areas. This is most likely due to habitat loss. Hedgerows, woodland and pasture are all valuable habitats for these birds; however, these are increasingly being lost due to changes in agricultural practices and woodland management.