Credit: Premaphotos / naturepl.com
How do poplar leaf beetles breed?
Both mating and egg laying takes place on leaves, which serve as food for both the adult and larvae. The larvae of the last generation of the year overwinter in the leaf litter.
A bright-coloured, picky eater. The poplar leaf beetle spends its time munching on the leaves of willows and, you guessed it, poplars.
Common name: poplar leaf beetle
Scientific name: Chrysomela populi
Family: Chrysomelidae
Habitat: woodland, hedgerows, parks and gardens
Diet: leaves, particularly poplar and willow
Predators: birds
Origin: native
Adults: are small and rounded with vibrant red wing cases and a black-green body. They grow to about 10mm in length.
Larvae: are small and white, covered in regular black ridges. They have a black head and legs.
The poplar leaf beetle feeds on leaves, with a preference for poplar and willow leaves.
Credit: Premaphotos / naturepl.com
Both mating and egg laying takes place on leaves, which serve as food for both the adult and larvae. The larvae of the last generation of the year overwinter in the leaf litter.
Poplar leaf beetles can shoot out a smelly liquid when under threat. It contains salicylic acid from the leaves they eat.
The poplar leaf beetle is found across the UK, though it is less common in Scotland and Northern Ireland.
Credit: David Sewell / Alamy Stock Photo
Look for the poplar leaf beetle between April and October. It’s no surprise that you’re most likely to spot them on poplar leaves in wooded areas.
The poplar leaf beetle is widespread and not believed to be threatened in the UK.