We’ve got a long wish-list. We want to see more trees in the ground, to protect what we already have, and to see forgotten ancient woods returned to their former glory.

This means planting more, bringing landowners, decision-makers and ordinary people on side, and fighting needless destruction wherever it may threaten across the UK.

But we can’t do any of this alone.

Thanks to a generous donation from a valued supporter, any new monthly donations will have the first two months' direct debit payment matched – meaning the Woodland Trust will benefit from double the amount of the first two monthly donations.

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We safeguard woodland across the UK. But we can’t do this without you. Your support is vital to save woods for future generations, protect the wildlife that calls them home, and restore them to their thriving best.

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Leave a lasting legacy with a gift in your will

Leave a lasting legacy, one that means something to you and will continue to make a difference for years to come. Protect the trees, woods and wildlife you love – today, tomorrow and forever.

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Philanthropy and major gifts

Transform landscapes, protect wildlife and improve lives through major giving.

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Thank you for your support

We can’t do our work without you. Every pound you give bolsters our fighting funds, pays for hard graft in our woods and gets trees in the ground. But don’t just take our word for it. Find out what your money is helping to achieve.

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