Support us
Make a donation
With your support, we can ensure woods are always there, free for everyone to enjoy.
If you're a UK tax payer, you can boost the power of your donations by choosing to Gift Aid your contribution.
Gift Aid is a government scheme allowing charities to claim tax relief on donations, including those from memberships. This means that, if you're a UK taxpayer, you can boost your donation by 25% – and it won't cost you a penny!
If every one of our tax-paying members and supporters chose to Gift Aid their contribution, we could claim millions more pounds each year to help us protect special trees, restore damaged ancient woods and create new havens for wildlife and people across the UK.
All you need to do is make a Gift Aid declaration and we'll receive an extra 25p for every £1 donated.
To supercharge your donation or membership, you can:
One Gift Aid declaration covers your current donations, your future donations and any donations you made in the last four years, including membership subscriptions. You can make any changes to your Gift Aid declaration by speaking to a member of the support services team.
when you Gift Aid your contribution
You can cancel your Gift Aid declaration or amend your details at any time. Just give us a call on 0330 333 3300 or email us at supporters@woodlandtrust.org.uk and we'll be happy to help.
Support us
With your support, we can ensure woods are always there, free for everyone to enjoy.
Support us
There's no better way to protect the trees we all need than by becoming a member of the Woodland Trust.
Support us
We safeguard woodland across the UK. But we can’t do this without you. Your support is vital to save woods for future generations, protect the wildlife that calls them home, and restore them to their thriving best.