With the future of the planet at stake, we believe young people should have a say in the matters that affect them most.

This is where the Woodland Trust youth council comes in.

Our passionate team of volunteers aged 16-25 span the length and breadth of the UK and bring a vibrant and unapologetic voice to the Trust. Their unique skills, expertise and energy have already made a huge impact.

Since the first youth council began in 2023, the team has met regularly with colleagues from across the Woodland Trust, ensuring that young people have a seat at the table by inputting into policies, attending important events and influencing campaigns. 

Youth council at Restore Nature Now march

Join our youth council

Aged 16-25 and passionate about woods, trees and the environment? Join our youth council and have your say on how we impact the health of the planet.

Apply now

Being part of the youth council has been a fantastic opportunity. I really feel like my voice is being valued and I’m contributing to a range of things across the organisation - from policy to social media, there’s opportunity to feed into all the Woodland Trust’s activities!

Nell Miles, youth council member

Meet the youth council

Meet the inspiring individuals helping to fight for the future of woods and trees.

Phoebe Hanson Youth Council

Phoebe Hanson (she/her)

North representative

As a climate advocate, I co-coordinate Mock COP, a youth climate conference engaging youth from over 140 countries. At COP26, I co-convened a presidency ministerial event on climate education, while at COP27, I managed digital content for the first Children and Youth Pavilion.

Through my work, I have reached thousands of young people, business leaders and political figures.

Alexander Wood Youth Council

Alexander Wood (he/him)

Central representative

Living in rural Staffordshire, I was fortunate that the pandemic was an opportunity to appreciate the true value of nature. I want to combine my master's in Law with environmental protection and policy, and am thrilled to be able to share the voices of young people in Central England.

I also work for the University of Derby, chair the Generation Nature youth collective and am involved with charities in Staffordshire. I run a youth club, support the Staffordshire Wildlife Trust and act as a trustee of a local youth charity.

Reuben Woods Youth Council

Reuben Woods (he/him)

Central representative

I am a photography graduate based in Nottingham. Currently, I work as a mental health support worker. I love spending time outside and am interested in how we can support mental health and wellbeing through connecting with nature. In my artistic practice, I explore using natural materials that are not harmful to people or our planet.

Nell Miles Youth Council

Nell Miles (she/her)

South East representative

I am a fourth-year integrated master's student studying biology at the University of Oxford. My master's research involves looking at how UK biodiversity net gain policy delivers for nature. I’m passionate about all things conservation and governance. In my spare time, I love wildlife watching, especially for moths!

Finn Jacobs Youth Council

Finn Jacobs (he/him)

South East representative

I joined the Woodland Trust youth council because I believe it is crucial that young people have their voices heard and actively contribute towards the future of our woods and the environment. I already try to make a difference on a personal level by volunteering in woodland and nature conservation, but I would also like to make a bigger impact and inspire future generations.

Tammie Esslemont Youth Council

Tammie Esslemont (she/her)

Wales representative

Shwmae! Tammie Esslemont ydw i. Hello! I'm Tammie Esslemont.

I'm very excited to represent Wales. I have lots of energy and many different interests. These include creating art (instagram: @demi_doodleone), indoor climbing, pet sitting, being mindful in nature, playing games such as Dungeons and Dragons and learning Welsh. I’m also passionate about climate activism (I volunteer for the Wildlife Trusts, Climate Cymru and Greenpeace) and mental health (I also volunteer for Newport Mind, Wolfson Centre and Platfform). I am also an Igniting Innovation conservation challenge winner for my project Nature Over Natter!

Emma Mitchell Youth Council

Emma Mitchell (she/her)

Scotland representative

My name is Emma and I’ll be studying landscape architecture at Edinburgh University. I hope to take everything I’m learning from the Woodland Trust into practice. I am most interested in integrating nature back into cities and adore the practice of permaculture.

I’m passionate about art and constantly use nature as an inspiration for my many projects. Volunteering with the Woodland Trust is an amazing opportunity and has already taught me so much about the world we live in. I am also a moth fanatic!

Fianaid Neill Youth Council

Fianaid Neill (she/her)

Northern Ireland representative

I am 16 years old and am very pleased to be representing Northern Ireland as part of the Woodland Trust youth council. My passions include nature (of course), music, learning languages, history and reading. I am also very dedicated to protecting and promoting the beautiful woodland and wildlife of Ireland and Britain, and I look forward to doing so as a part of this team.

Lottie Woods Youth Council

Lottie Woods (she/her)

South West representative

I am a climate scientist with a degree in maths and physics. I have previously coordinated my local Friends of the Earth group and am excited to now be working with the Woodland Trust.

I am passionate about nature (especially in the South West) and am currently learning more about rewilding and improving my bird identification skills!

Cory Maccormack-Montequin (he/him)

Scotland representative

Hi, I'm Cory. I'm from Edinburgh and have just completed my ecology and environmental science degree. I am now working as a community engagement officer. I'm really passionate about community-led action for conservation and community woodlands. I'm really excited to be involved in the Woodland Trust youth council! My favourite tree is a hawthorn.

Grace Twum (she/her)

North representative

Based in Yorkshire, I work as the northern coordinator at Just Love, a Christian charity empowering students to pursue social justice. I hold a BA in human geography and environment from the University of York and will begin my master's in environmental assessment and management this year.

I have a deep passion for understanding the interconnections between race, faith, activism and environmental theology. My goal is to use my knowledge and creative skills to make a positive social and environmental impact.

Annabelle Lambert (she/they)

Wales representative 

I am passionate about woodland conservation and environmental protection. As an ecology and conservation BSC student I have learnt a lot from the Woodland Trust, through both reports and also practical skills when visiting sites, especially Coed Glyn Gwennws. The intersection between society and nature is something I’m really interested in. As a student union rep as well as a youth assembly member for Scope, I understand how rewarding it can be seeing how decisions are made and representing young people.

Join our youth council

Aged 16-25 and passionate about woods, trees and the environment? Join our youth council and have your say on how we impact the health of the planet.

Apply now