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How gifts in wills have made a difference: Avoncliff Wood
A third of all the work we do is made possible by gifts in wills. Find out more about the difference they've made to Avoncliff Wood, a beautiful wood in the Cotswolds that's also helping to combat the use of plastic on our estate.
Plant trees
South West tree giveaway: terms and conditions
South West tree giveaway: terms and conditions
Trees woods and wildlife
A summer visitor with a scratchy song. Around one million of these birds head to the UK each year to breed.
Research report
The role of trees outside woods - their ecological and landscape benefits
A report on the many ecological and landscape benefits offered by copses, hedgerows, lone trees and orchards in the UK, and why their protection is so important.
PDF (1.36 MB)
Research report
State of the UK's Woods and Trees 2021
This State of the UK’s Woods and Trees report is the first to present important facts and trends focusing predominantly on our native woods and trees.
PDF (27.62 MB)
Woodland Carbon for businesses
Reduce the environmental impact of your business and boost biodiversity with our Woodland Carbon scheme.
How trees capture and store carbon
Photosynthesis is made simple as you take a journey into the leaf of a tree with our animation and discover how trees capture and store carbon.
Trees woods and wildlife
Lime, small-leaved
Charming, sturdy, pollinator-magnet. Not only does the small-leaved lime’s blossom produce a sweet scent and pleasantly minty honey, its leaves support the caterpillars of moths such as the lime hawk, peppered and vapourer.
Policy paper
Trees and woods: at the heart of nature recovery in Wales
This report shows the central role that native natural and semi-natural woods and trees must play in restoring nature in Wales, and how the government and local authorities can help.
PDF (18.56 MB)
Trees woods and wildlife
First introduced around AD 995, the diverse and delicious pear is a favourite with wildlife and people alike.