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Green Tree Schools Award
Join more than 14,000 schools taking action to help the environment. Your pupils can take part in fun, hands-on projects while improving your grounds. They'll earn certificates in recognition of their achievements and a special plaque to display in your school.
Trees woods and wildlife
Can woods and trees reduce flooding?
Trees and woods play a vital role in reducing flooding by slowing down the flow of rainwater, absorbing rainwater, and reducing erosion.
Woodland Trust Wood
Glen Sherup
Glendevon by Dollar Perthshire
603.51 ha (1491.27 acres)
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Time is running out for Harrison Woodlands
We only have until December to raise the funds we need to buy this incredible area of damaged ancient woodland. Please support our urgent appeal to buy Harrison Woodlands and bring it back to life.
10 ways to help wildlife in winter
Wildlife will appreciate a helping hand in winter. From practical outdoor activities to the comfort of your armchair, check out our ten top tips to make a difference this season.
Charlie Mellor • 07 Dec 2023
Plant trees
Funding a community wood
Our advice on how to seek funding for your community wood, from buying the site and trees to on-going maintenance.
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1,000 woods appeal
No-one stands up for UK woods and trees like we do. With your help we can do even more to enhance and protect the woodland under our care.
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Hedley Hall appeal, Tyne & Wear
Your donations saved this angel in the north - and the ancient woodland, rare plants and wildlife that call it home.
Press centre
Budget Day 2024: what Holyrood should do for woods and trees
If Scotland is to meet its climate goals and restore nature to a thriving condition, we need more native trees and woods, and we need them in good condition.
Protecting trees and woods
Priorities for local councils in Northern Ireland
Ask candidates in Northern Ireland to support trees and woods where you live using our list of priorities.