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Protecting trees and woods
Protect ancient woodland
One of the UK’s most important wildlife habitats is disappearing before our eyes.
Plant trees
UK sourced and grown trees: why is it important to buy them?
Buying UK sourced and grown trees is the best way to prevent the spread of imported pests and diseases.
Privately owned Wood
The Garth
3.60 ha (8.90 acres)
Trees woods and wildlife
Birch, downy
Soft on the outside. Tough on the inside. On a global scale, this tree, with its fuzzy leaf stalks, shoots and twigs, grows further north than any other broadleaf species.
The Isles of Scilly Wildlife Trust Wood
Holy Vale
Isles of Scilly
0.76 ha (1.88 acres)
Celebrating 20 years of 'Woods on Your Doorstep'
20 years of "Woods on Your Doorstep". Creating woodlands within walking distance of cities, towns, and villages across Northern Ireland. Find out how these natural spaces have benefitted the community.
Privately owned Wood
Royal Agricultural Society Of England
1.11 ha (2.74 acres)
Practical guidance
Tree planting for free range poultry farms
Incorporating trees into free range poultry farms can improve the welfare of birds and their performance. We give advice on planting design and maintenance.
PDF (650 KB)
Forestry Commission England Wood
The Old Park
South Yorkshire
35.88 ha (88.66 acres)
Trees woods and wildlife
Willow, crack
Scruffy and loud, the crack willow is named after its habit of splitting with cracks and fissures, and how noisy its branches are when they break. It’s one of the largest willows and its leaves are popular with moth caterpillars.