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Where do bees go in winter?
Ever wondered where bees go in winter? Find out where different species of bee go when the weather gets cold, and when to spot them emerging.
Charlotte Varela • 18 Nov 2022
Research report
Planting trees to protect water on farms
Planting trees on farms can improve water quality, reduce pollution and help mitigate flooding, while also supporting production and wildlife.
PDF (1.64 MB)
Baby bird identification: UK garden birds
Learn to identify garden bird youngsters with our guide to some of the most commonly encountered little'uns.
Amy Lewis • 15 May 2020
London Borough of Enfield Wood
Hilly Fields
Greater London
4.81 ha (11.89 acres)
Encourage interaction and a sense of community
Maybush Copse Friends group has completely transformed a landscape to create a green space for the local community to enjoy.
Borough Council of Wellingborough Wood
Stanwell Spinney
1.16 ha (2.87 acres)
London Borough of Enfield Wood
Trent Park
Greater London
188.12 ha (464.84 acres)
Borough of Broxbourne Wood
Baas Hill
2.30 ha (5.68 acres)
Woodland Trust Wood
Brede High Woods
Cripps Corner near Battle East Sussex
261.89 ha (647.13 acres)
What is a seed bank, how does it work and why is it important?
Discover the vital work of seed banks, including facts and figures on why we store so many seeds, how long for and how they might be used in the future.
Rebecca Gosling • 02 Dec 2020