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Position statement
Use of the Welsh language – the Woodland Trust's position
The Woodland Trust is committed to using the Welsh language alongside English where appropriate and making everyone welcome, no matter their preferred language.
PDF (131 KB)
Policy paper
Defnydd o’r Iaith Gymraeg – Safbwynt Coed Cadw
Lle bo’n briodol, mae defnyddio’r Gymraeg ochr yn ochr â’r Saesneg yn ein galluogi i gyfathrebu’n fwy effeithiol â phobl yng Nghymru.
PDF (131 KB)
Wood Wise – seeds of hope
The autumn 2016 issue of Wood Wise explores genetic diversity in native trees and shrubs, and how to safeguard genetic resources for the future.
PDF (1.83 MB)
Case study
Trees planting on farms without affecting subsidies
A partnership trial to demonstrate how grazing and trees can work together, and to secure new policy which allows farmers to plant without being penalised.
PDF (134 KB)
Case study
Adding value to timber from sustainably managed woods
The removal of non-native conifers is key to ancient woodland restoration. Timber extraction can also generate revenue for landowners, as this case study shows.
PDF (2.21 MB)
Case study
Improving woodland management in the South Downs
A case study demonstrating the benefits of active forest management, including boosting the local economy and providing an educational resource for communities.
PDF (384 KB)
Case study
Restoring ancient woodland in mid Wales
A case study demonstrating the restoration of ancient woodland in Mid Wales, including the extraction of timber using horse logging techniques.
PDF (347 KB)
Case study
Restoring an ancient woodland in community ownership
A case study on the restoration of Aigas Woods – an ancient woodland owned by the local community which is providing income from the removal of non-native trees.
PDF (370 KB)
Case study
Trees aid natural flood risk management in Sussex
A case study demonstrating the effectiveness of floodplain woodland and hedgerows for slowing and storing water in a lowland river catchment.
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Case study
Trees enhance poultry health for premium products
A case study demonstrating the benefits of enriching a poultry farm with trees, resulting in higher chicken welfare and marketable woodland products.
PDF (586 KB)