Position statement
Ancient woodland – the Woodland Trust's position
PDF (193 KB)
Publication date:
April 2021
Publication type:
Research report
The State of the UK’s Woods and Trees 2021 report is the first to present important facts and trends focusing predominantly on native woods and trees, and trees in towns and cities.
It documents:
The data in State of the UK's Woods and Trees draws on multiple sources, including official statistics, published and unpublished reports, academic research, outputs from citizen science projects and trends data from regularly updated datasets (data on commercial forestry is gathered by the government agency Forest Research).
Download PDF (27.62 MB)Position statement
PDF (193 KB)
Position statement
PDF (353 KB)
Policy paper
PDF (4.96 MB)
Policy paper
PDF (2.58 MB)
Policy paper
PDF (18.56 MB)
Protecting trees and woods
Threats to woodland, wildlife and the wider environment are growing. Our trees and woods face a challenging combination of pressures, from humans, pests and diseases.