How invasive non-native species threaten our woods
Sally Bavin • 05 Oct 2023
Publication date:
March 2013
Publication type:
These case studies look at some of the invasive non-native species which can be found in UK woods.
Many are a threat to woodland, with their often rapid spread causing damage to the environment, the economy and human health.
Wood Wise examines some of the species of most concern and shares best practice on how to remove them.
If you would like to subscribe to future Wood Wise issues, please email woodwise@woodlandtrust.org.uk.
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Sally Bavin • 05 Oct 2023
Policy paper
PDF (7.41 MB)
Trees woods and wildlife
Learn more about the pests and diseases threatening our trees. Find out how to spot them, the symptoms and outlook, and how you can help.
PDF (2.55 MB)
Position statement
PDF (5.06 MB)
Position statement
PDF (353 KB)
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