How to set up a local group and meeting
A group of passionate, like-minded people could help others understand the value of woods and trees and shape local policy.
A local group of committed members can make a big difference in raising awareness of the benefits of woods and trees in your community. Find out how to set up a group, arrange a meeting and spread the word to achieve your goals.
5 things to consider when setting up a group
1. What will your group do that's new?
See if there are other groups in your area and learn about their focus points. If they're similar to yours, you may be able to join together.
2. Who needs your services and who will use them?
Do some market research. Approach people that could be directly affected by a development on a woodland site and ask what they want and need.
3. What do you need from your supporters and members?
Consider how many people you need on your committee and what roles need to be filled before you put the word out. Think about the skill sets you might need and ask community members for their help.
4. Do you need funding?
If you are proposing lots of marketing and publicity, you might want to apply for funding. Bear in mind that trusts often only fund registered charities, and some only support specific causes. Others, like the primary care trust or local authority, will need evidence of how you can help them meet their targets or priorities. Examine the strategic plans for your area to see which statutory targets your proposed activities could meet.
5. Do you need a legal status?
There are many different types of not-for-profit structures - some even allow profit margins. Be aware that with a legal status comes legal responsibility. Make sure you are absolutely clear what affects your organisation and the people within it.
How to start your local group
Once you’ve confirmed your group's needs, you need to create policies and procedures to help things run smoothly and achieve your goals.
Establish a mission and constitution
As well as a set of rules, your group will need to develop appropriate policies in areas like child protection, health and safety, confidentiality and equal opportunities.
If you've received public funding you will need procedures in place to make sure you are spending it in the most effective way.
Evaluate your work
Funders will want to see evidence of the value of your work and the results of their investment.
- Record how many activities or sessions you run and how many people benefit from them.
- Keep a clear profile of your service users, including age, gender and ethnic background, to prove the reach of your group and the effect of your work on the community.
- Take surveys and provide evaluation forms after activities.
All this information will help you to see what works and plan effectively for the future.
How to arrange a community meeting
A public meeting is a great catalyst for positive change. It can give a huge boost to your group’s morale and the profile of your campaign by generating discussion, securing support, informing and inspiring people. It can also be a lobbying device. Our top tips will help you prepare.
1. Find the right venue
Your venue should ideally:
- be central to the area with good public transport links
- be accessible
- be big enough for everyone with suitable seating
- have good toilet facilities
- have space for display boards, sign-up sheets and information.
2. Preparing your meeting
At most public meetings, a panel of three or four speakers give their views on the issue, then take questions or comments from the floor. Decide on a running order and allocate time to speakers fairly. Include time for breaks and networking, if appropriate.
You could invite speakers with opposing points of view for a panel debate with a series of questions and audience contributions. This can help to encourage more in-depth discussions. Try to invite local decision makers from different parties to debate their different positions.
You’ll need an experienced and assertive chairperson to manage timings and people effectively and allow everyone to have their say.
3. Who to invite: useful guests
- The developer or senior officer to put forward the full details
- A local decision maker – your MP, SMP, MLA, MS or councillor
- An academic or other expert
- Representatives from local environmental organisations
- A representative from your campaign group to introduce and endorse the campaign
- A member of the local press.
4. Advertise the event
To get the best results for your campaign, your meeting needs to be popular. Advertise widely and well. Give your meeting a topical or catchy title and send details to local press, radio and TV in good time.
Design and print a leaflet to display in public places like the post office, doctor’s surgery, bus stops, and local shops. Don’t forget to share news of the meeting on social media and local websites too.
5. At the meeting
The chairperson should lay out ‘the rules’ early on. Gauge the tone of the event and remember that feelings may run high. You don’t want people shouting over each other, or the meeting to descend into mayhem! The chair should politely stress that it is a public meeting to take the issue forward and that everyone should respect others' right to disagree.
Leave time for closing statements, and finish with an action people can take and an agreed date for the next meeting or event. Even if you didn’t see many people, your campaign will be off to a good start with some new allies.
6. Keep momentum after the meeting
- Write to your speakers and chairperson to thank them for their time and support.
- Send an update to the local press about how well it went and share the results on social media.
- Do a letter drop in your area, encouraging others to submit an objection and keeping the issue fresh.
- Set up an online petition on or
Take action as a group
Protecting trees and woods
How to object to a planning application
If you are opposing a development threat to a wood or tree, you will need to make an objection in writing to the local planning authority.
Protecting trees and woods
Neighbourhood planning
Woods and trees can help make your community a healthier, wealthier and happier place to live and work.
Protecting trees and woods
Tree Preservation Orders
A Tree Preservation Order (TPO) protects specific trees or groups of trees from deliberate damage and destruction. Check out the answers to 10 common questions on TPOs, from how to request one to protecting trees under threat.
Protecting trees and woods
Report a threat
Have you found a possible threat from development to an ancient wood or tree? Your ear to the ground could be the difference between survival and destruction. Let us know - we could help.
Protecting trees and woods
Campaign with us
Our woods and trees can't speak for themselves. Together we can stand up for the environment and safeguard the UK's woodland heritage for our future.