Trees woods and wildlife
Why are trees important for biodiversity?
Woodland is home to a wealth of wildlife. If we don't protect what we have left and plant trees for the future, we'll lose more than just trees.
Government’s upcoming Plant Biosecurity Strategy must put in place a bold plan to tackle the pests and diseases that threaten our native tree populations.
It’s indisputable that increasing tree cover is essential for tackling the climate and nature emergencies. We need landscapes rich in native trees and woods to store carbon and provide homes for wildlife. But all our efforts to plant trees and protect those we already have are under increasing threat from pests and diseases. Without action, entire tree populations could be decimated.
high risk pests and diseases would have a big impact on UK trees if they arrived in the UK.
increase in value of tree imports 1992-2019.
the economic cost of ash dieback in Britain.
The likelihood of new pests and diseases entering Britain is increasing. A small number of problematic species could potentially blow into the south of England from the continent. But most introductions are a result of the trade of plants, timber and wood products. Tree imports increased 79% between 2016 and 2019 alone. The consequences could be devastating for our woods and wildlife.
oak trees imported into the UK 2013-15
Biosecurity refers to measures that aim to prevent the introduction and/or spread of harmful organisms to plants and animals.
Government’s new Plant Biosecurity Strategy for Great Britain should help to protect our precious environment from these threats. The current consultation is our opportunity to help shape that strategy.
The Government must help reduce the risks posed by new pests and diseases with a clear strategy. We want to see it ensure:
Government consulted on its new strategy in autumn 2021. More than 1,000 people responded to our campaign and asked for a robust new plan on to tackle plant health. Thank you to everyone that took part.
We expect the Government to publish the final strategy in 2022.
Trees woods and wildlife
Woodland is home to a wealth of wildlife. If we don't protect what we have left and plant trees for the future, we'll lose more than just trees.
Trees woods and wildlife
Trees are one of the best natural climate change solutions. Find out how they lock up carbon and how many the UK needs to reach carbon net zero by 2050.
Jack Taylor • 08 Dec 2017