We have been pleased to see political parties once again recognise the importance of trees in their manifestos. However, if the many benefits of trees to society in both rural and urban areas are to be realised, urgent action will be required from the new government. This should include:

  • investment allocated in the spending review to accelerate planting rates
  • significant improvements in restoration and protection for valuable existing woods and trees
  • tackling the lack of UK timber security
  • improved access to training.

We need clear and strategic leadership from Government underpinned by a new trees action plan for England – connecting with all four nations to maximise the potential of trees. We also need a land use framework that identifies where tree establishment can best deliver for climate, nature, the economy and a healthier society. We stand ready to help whoever forms the government after 4 July to deliver on these aims.

Joint statement from the Woodland Trust, The Tree Council, Confederation of Forest Industries (UK) and Trees for Cities.