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Acorns are the favourite dish of many woodland creatures. Mice, squirrels and birds forage for these nutty treats during autumn and store them safely away for winter provisions. But did you know humans can eat acorns too? Here are some fantastic recipes to try, along with more fascinating acorn facts.
Raw acorns contain tannins which can be toxic to humans and cause an unpleasant bitter taste. They are also poisonous to horses, cattle and dogs.
But by leaching acorns to remove the tannin, they can be made safe for human consumption. This can be done with hot or cold water, depending on how you want to use the acorns afterwards.
Be sure to wait until the acorns are ripe and have turned brown. Please remember to forage sustainably so that plenty of acorns are left for wildlife.
Acorns can be ground to make flour for bread, pancakes, pastries, cookies and even pasta. If you plan to do this, it’s best to leach with cold water to preserve the starch and help the dough hold together better.
If you’re going to keep your acorns whole, or at least chunky, you can leach them with boiling water.
In both cases, follow the method below – just use hot or cold water according to your planned recipe.
Mast is the term used for the fruit of forest trees, such as acorns and beech seeds. A mast year is when the trees produce a bumper crop. Many scientists believe this is to occasionally produce more seeds than wildlife can eat, increasing the seeds’ chances of survival.
For those who enjoy a savoury snack, salted nuts are the perfect choice. Roasting is probably the easiest way to cook acorns. They can be added to a winter stew for extra bite too!
Acorn coffee is naturally caffeine free. It has a unique taste and is unlike traditional coffee, but it’s still delicious and warming.
It’s an American classic that satisfies any sweet tooth. The principle is the same as peanut brittle, just with acorns instead!
You will need:
100g caster sugar
100g roasted acorns
Yes, after falling in autumn, each acorn can produce a new oak sapling the following spring. But most acorns don’t get the chance – they are a rich food source for wildlife including jays, mice, badgers and squirrels. The majority tend to be munched before they can germinate.
The acorns of English oak – also known as pedunculate oak - grow on stalks (or peduncles). Acorns on a sessile oak are stalkless.
Acorn size can vary from tree to tree. Environmental factors will play a big role. Seed production takes a lot of energy so a good growing season and good habitat is essential for bigger acorns.
It takes centuries for oaks to reach their full size, so it’s not surprising we have no studies following seeds through to maturity. But a study at the Croatian Forest Research Institute found that bigger acorns produced taller saplings with more bio-matter (in other words, they weighed more). This was confirmed in a follow-up study by the Serbian Institute of Forestry.
So it seems acorn size does matter - larger acorns lead to larger saplings. There are no studies on whether this benefit lasts throughout the tree’s life, but we believe it’s probably just an early competitive advantage. Growth rates likely even out as the trees mature and are subject to fewer selection pressures.
We’re not aware of any evidence for this. Some people swear by conkers though – read more in our blog Do conkers keep spiders away? And more conker facts.
Acorns are the fruit of the oak tree. They contain the seeds that can grow new oak trees, and falling to the ground is part of the tree’s lifecycle – this is how it reproduces. Having reached the ground, the acorns can grow into new oak trees or be carried off to new locations by wildlife.
Trees woods and wildlife
Our A-Z guide to British trees from native species to naturalised and widely planted non-natives.
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