Credit: Richard Becker / WTML
We are respectful
We will not put undue pressure on you to make a gift and if you do not wish to donate we will respect your decision.
We all need trees, but trees need help now more than ever before. That’s where we come in.
We all need trees, but trees need help now more than ever before. That’s where we come in. We want a UK rich in woods and trees, for people and wildlife. We rely on the generosity and enthusiasm of supporters like you to help us protect, restore and plant woods and trees.
Everyone who stands up for trees with us – whether as a member, by giving a donation, by offering us their time or by spreading the word – should have a positive and rewarding experience and know how much we value them.
We promise to be honest and transparent about where your money goes and why we ask for donations. We will show you what a difference you are making.
We are the UK’s largest woodland conservation charity. We’re passionate about woods and trees. We work to transform our landscapes, joining up fragile and fragmented habitats. We campaign to save threatened woodland and we own and care for more than 1,000 publicly accessible woods. We want everyone to have access to woodland and we want to make the UK a healthier, better place to live.
We take our obligations to look after your data very seriously and we will never sell your data to third party organisations. We will contact you via methods you have given permission for us to use and if you wish to change the way we contact you or opt out of future communications you can either contact our Support Service Response Team any time, or go to the Permissions Portal.
Credit: Richard Becker / WTML
We will not put undue pressure on you to make a gift and if you do not wish to donate we will respect your decision.
Credit: Leslie Newcombe / WTML
We do all we can to ensure fundraisers, volunteers and third party agencies working with us comply with all fundraising regulations and this promise. Where we work with third party agencies we will ensure training is provided and will monitor their work. We will act quickly if they do not meet the high standards we set.
We will always provide easy ways for you to contact us and our Support Service Response Team is on hand to help answer any queries you may have.
If you are unhappy with anything we’ve done you can contact us using our complaints policy. If we make a mistake we will apologise and do all we can to put things right and if we cannot resolve your complaint, we accept the authority of the Fundraising Regulator and the Charity Commission to make a final adjudication.
If you have any questions please contact our Support Services Response Team via enquiries@woodlandtrust.org.uk or call 0330 333 3300 and they will be happy to help.