About us
Ethical policy
Our ethical policy details our sustainable, diverse and ethical principles, how we embed these across our organisation and use them to navigate conflicting demands.
At the Woodland Trust, we believe everyone deserves to have their lives enriched by woods and trees.
We believe everyone deserves equal protection from climate change. Equal air, water and soil quality. Equal opportunity to feel the positive impact of trees and woods on our minds, bodies and spirits. But currently, this is not the case. Who we are and where we live determines how much we access, enjoy and benefit from woods and trees.
We also believe our own organisation should reflect and represent all voices within our communities. But again, this is not currently the case. The environmental sector is one of the least ethnically diverse in the UK and we are no different.
We know that we have work to do to improve our organisation’s diversity and inclusion. Just as it takes time and effort to create, restore and protect woods, it takes time to grow an inclusive culture in which diversity can thrive. We are firmly committed to real systemic change.
About us
Our ethical policy details our sustainable, diverse and ethical principles, how we embed these across our organisation and use them to navigate conflicting demands.
About us
We report on our gender pay gap in accordance with government guidelines.
Privacy policy
Find out how we respect the privacy of our supporters and visitors to our websites.
About us
We're committed to ensuring that modern slavery and human trafficking don't exist anywhere in our organisation, corporate activities or supply chain.
About us
This policy details our zero-tolerance approach to bribery and corruption, ensuring we operate professionally, fairly and with integrity at all times.