Trees woods and wildlife
Tree pests and diseases
Learn more about the pests and diseases threatening our trees. Find out how to spot them, the symptoms and outlook, and how you can help.
Disease decimated the UK's elms, and now another is wiping out our ash trees. But all is not lost - with replanting and tighter controls on tree imports, we can start to repair the damage.
Targeting Tree Disease packs sent out last season alone
Our subsidised tree packs help landowners hit by tree disease to replant their land with species resilient for the future.
Tree nurseries qualified for our UK and Ireland Sourced and Grown Assured status
Some of the largest tree producers in the UK are now promoting British-grown plants, reducing the reliance on overseas imports.
Trained volunteers recording and monitoring for Observatree
We support a UK-wide network of volunteers on the front line of disease reporting, ensuring alerts for new threats come in quickly.
We're taking a three-pronged approach to tackling the devastation wrought by tree pests and diseases.
Biosecurity has to improve to stop diseases like ash dieback entering the UK in the first place. Our UK and Ireland Sourced and Grown Assurance Scheme allows nurseries to document the provenance of saplings, reducing the need to import stock from overseas.
The Observatree project raises awareness of tree pests and diseases, providing tools to help recognise them and report them to the right place. That way the emergence and spread can be halted early.
We're creating new habitats for wildlife and increasing the resilience of our woods. By investing in new hedgerows and dedicated Targeting Tree Disease packs, we're replacing ash lost nationwide.
You can help us fight back against tree disease by supporting our fund.
Whatever you choose to give, donating online is secure, quick and cost effective, so more money goes directly to increasing the resilience of our woods.
Trees woods and wildlife
Learn more about the pests and diseases threatening our trees. Find out how to spot them, the symptoms and outlook, and how you can help.
We're using citizen science to recognise and record pests and diseases threatening UK trees.
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About us
With increasing numbers of tree pests and diseases in the UK, it's important we have confidence in the trees we plant. Find out more about how our trees are sourced and grown.